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cpr celebrates 20 years in business

We are pleased to announce that today marks 20 years in business for CPR Engineers.

CPR’s evolution has been a journey from strength to strength. It started with a solid foundation of David Combe and Associates, built over the preceding 20 years, earning its reputation in the industry through a portfolio of a prominent body of work. CPR started in March 2005 with momentum and steadily established itself in the South Australian building industry.

More recently, to continue with the spirit of CPR, we congratulate Mark Stewart and Mark Billinger for their immense contribution and dedication as CPR’s newest Directors.

To our Clients, Architects, and other industry professionals that have allowed us to produce great designs for their projects - we thank you.  We further thank the talented civil and structural engineers and drafters that currently enjoy working on stimulating projects at CPR Engineers.

The link below is a compilation of fine project outcomes of which we are very proud; and remains a vivid testament to CPR’s progress, achievements, and work culture in the last 20 years.

Please enjoy.

Project Photo Book – CPR over 20 Years

We celebrate CPR’s achievement today as an opening of opportunity to the greater triumphs and achievements that await us.


Mark Billinger, Mark Stewart, Neil Pearson and David Reynolds.

March 7th 2025

Directors 2025





Newly appointed directors 

It is a significant honour and a privilege to announce the appointment of two new Directors of CPR Engineers.

Mark Stewart and Mark Billinger have been promoted as Directors in CPR’s strategic succession planning initiative. In doing so, we further advise that Neil Pearson has stepped back and is now transitioning to a Project Director role with the firm.

Great credit goes to Mark and Mark who have shown Neil and David unwavering support across technical and business areas for many years – in the case of Mark Stewart, 19 years and Mark Billinger almost 5 years – and are both well experienced professionals in their own right.

Speaking of experience, it remains difficult to put into words the fabulous contribution that Neil Pearson has made to CPR over the 19 and a half years in practice. His technical expertise in many areas of structural and civil engineering has benefited all the staff at CPR, past and present, and his mentorship in industry and life has influenced many more inside and outside the office environment. Neil remains at CPR in a role as Project Director to impart further wisdom on our current and future projects.

Congratulations Mark, Mark and Neil.

David Reynolds remains as a Director and looks forward to further growth with the new management team.

September 2024

DR   Photo

Mark S   PhotoMark B   Photo

Neil   Photo





Directors 1-1Directors 3







Newly Appointed associates

What an honour and a privilege it is to announce the appointments of 3 new Associates at CPR Engineers – Samuel Pryor, Costa Morias and Timothy Keen.

Sam has been with CPR for almost 7 years and has great experience in education projects covering the Public and Private sectors, health projects and Aged Care. His project successes recently includes 5 stages at St Josephs School, Hectorville; a 3 level learning building at Portside Christian College with DesignInc Adelaide; and Aged Care developments for Kalyra at Belair.

Costa, whilst at CPR for the last 7 and a half years has delivered many civil engineering stormwater plans for Development Applications for many CPR Clients covering sport and recreation, education and Industrial estate developments. Moreso, Costa has developed a great project portfolio designing the structural works as well. Such project highlights include the Animal Welfare League Wingfield Pet Centre; Blackwood Community Hub; and, Immanuel College’s Discovery Centre with Swanbury Penglase.

For nearly 10 years at CPR, Timothy has provided engineering solutions on countless commercial and residential building projects. Project highlights include the Saints Shopping Centre for the Chapley Group, apartment accommodation for Uniting SA at Prospect, Max Amber Sportsfield development with Brown Falconer and currently designing the SANFL Talent and Community sports facility at West Lakes with Walter Brooke.

These appointments are a wonderful representation of committed and valued employees being rewarded with further great career opportunities.
We look forward to their continued collective growth.

July 2024

Sam - Photo

Costa   Photo

Timothy   Photo





d'Arenberg Cube

The d'Arenberg Cube has been a focal point in the local McLaren Vale tourism scene since late 2017. It immersed CPR Engineers in an iconic project recognised world wide.

Now through an in-depth insight from the owner, wine maker and Cube designer, Chester Osborn, we discover the ride through the projects design and construction phases as well as an account of CPR Engineers' experience. produced this video. - d'Arenberg Cube

An account of the structural challenges and what motivated CPR's Engineers to deliver Chester's extraordinary vision is also attached in "d'Arenberg Cube - a structural engineers perspective".


Concrete frameThe Cube's facade

CPR Melbourne Cup 2018

The 2018 CPR Melbourne Cup - hors(e) d'oeuvres anyone?

Melb Cup 2018 1Melb Cup 2018 2Melb Cup 2018 3Melb Cup 2018 4

CPR Melbourne Cup 2019

CPR Melbourne Cup 2019 - a lot of horsing around...

Melb Cup 2019 1Melb Cup 2019 2Melb Cup 2019 3Melb Cup 2019 4

CPR Celebrates 15 Years!

On March 7th 2020, CPR celebrated a significant milestone of 15 years in operation! And what splendid 15 years it has been, working with great people on great projects to produce great built form – and well-engineered.
The office celebrated with a night out on the town, having a few good laughs seeing Stephen K Amos for his Fringe show, followed by hearty meal at the pub afterwards.
Here’s to another fantastic fifteen years!

CPR Melbourne Cup Lunch 2017

The 2017 CPR Melbourne Cup Birdcage - thrills, spills and a little bit of fancy!

(Photos by Beyond Imagination Entertainment)

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CPR Melbourne Cup Lunch 2016

Another Cup down... great day, great food and great company!

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