CPR is proud to have been given the opportunity contribute to the below award winning buildings over the past 5 years.
CPR Projects Award Success 2015

SA Master builders awards
56 Seventh Street, Bowden Apartments; Immanuel College - The Margaret Ames Centre; Adelaide High School; Beach Energy Office; and Brighton Residence
CPR Projects Award Success 2014

SA Masters Builders Awards
Adelaide Airport Subway and Amenities Pods; and Beach Energy Office Expansion
CPR Projects Award Success 2013

SA Masters Builders Awards
Helping Hand Northgate, Christies Beach Aboriginal Childrens and Family Centre and West Beach Residential Development.
Architectural Awards SA
CPR Projects Award Success 2012

SA Masters Builders Awards
Clayton Church Homes, Norwood; and Helping Hand Aged Care, Northgate.
CPR Projects Award Success 2011

SA Masters Builders Awards
Whitmore Square Eco Housing; Norwood Primary School; and Berri Office Building Project.
CPR Projects Award Success 2010

SA Masters Builders Awards
Miele Showroom; Eldercare Glengowrie; Belair Hotel Stage 2 and East (Hutt Street) Apartments.
SA Architect Awards
Featured a few of CPR Projects - We enjoy a good job to showcase the outstanding Architectural designs.